Used Asphalt Distributor Trucks And Trailers
We stock used and refurbished asphalt distributor trucks and tanks. Our more popular distributor tanks include Rosco and Etntyre Asphalt Distributors. We also offer new asphalt distributor tanks in 350 and 500 gallon capacities.
Used Asphalt Distributor Trucks For Sale
These distributors range between 1,750 and 2,500 gallons
Call us for details: 1-518-218-7676
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Asphalt Distributor trucks are used for applying hot liquid asphalt to roadways prior to repaving. This treatment improves the bonding between the existing and new layers of asphalt. If you do chip sealing our smaller 350 and 500 gallon distributors are a perfect fit, with a spray wand and optional rear spray bar and platform, skid or trailer mounted..